Want a method to open form upon status change then when form complete, multiple actions/rows created

New here. I am looking for direction on work flow. I have rusty skills in Access database development. This has some new tools and wider mobile/web capability but I have not determined the flexibility as compared to Access query, merge, copy, append, forms bringing multiple sheets together, etc. So looking for some direction:

Per question above, "I want a method to open a form upon status change in original sheet, then auto-generate say upto 10 subtasks (rows) in original shartsheet that are determined by "questions/responses on form".

Thinking I move row to a temp sheet, fill out form, upon complete copy multiple rows back into original sheet with subtasks based on how form was answered. Is this possible? Does it make sense to do this operation?

Current situation is all department actions for multiple projects at multiple stages in one sheet. As we determine to advance a project, it kicks off new actions required that are consistently the same initially. Due to Calendar and opening/closing, the current idea is to use one sheet for card, calendar, gantt views, etc.



  • Hi @KL2021_Estimator

    If you Copy a Parent Row (with indented Children) from one sheet to another it will copy all the child rows as well! See: Copy Rows to Another Sheet

    You can also set up Copy Row workflows, based on a trigger that happens in your sheet. However there isn't a way to automatically create child rows, you would want to set up kind of "template" structures of Parent and Child rows then copy them across. Does that make sense?

    If this hasn't helped, it would be helpful to see screen captures of what you're describing, but please block out sensitive data.



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