Using Your Form To Create Multi Row With One Click

Bassam Khalil
Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 09/14/21 in Smartsheet Basics

Dear Community Member,

Dear Community Member, I received a question from one of my clients about creating multi rows contains the basic data that he input and he don't want to re input the same data using his intake form many time, and i like to share this exercise with you if you are facing the same issue to save your time to avoid repeating basic data input using your form:

i will create this scenario to input from 1 to 5 rows with 1 form input and you can duplicate the automation to input any number :

1- create the following helper columns ( Number Of Input, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 ) All are Text/Number .

2- in your intake form add the [Number Of Input] and during your data input add the number of copy you need to create ( for example 5 in our case ).

3- use the following formula in your intake sheet for C1 To C5 columns :

C1 = IF([Number Of Input]@row >= 0, 1, "")
C2 = IF([Number Of Input]@row > 1, 1, "")
C3 = IF([Number Of Input]@row > 2, 1, "")
C4 = IF([Number Of Input]@row > 3, 1, "")
C5 = IF([Number Of Input]@row > 4, 1, "")

Those formula will fill in Column C1 To C5 the number "1" as per the Number Of Input for example if you input 3 then C1 To C3 will have "1" and C4 To C5 will be blank.

4- Design the following workflow in your intake sheet to copy your basic data input that you will submit for one time only to your original sheet multi time as per the number of you define in the [Number Of Input] column:

then copy the same workflow as much as you need and for each new copy of the workflow change the condition for C2,C3,C4,C5.

that will make the workflows copy your single input multi time as per your definition.

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