Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Formula Question See Below

IF PDCA range 4 finds ( anywhere ) "Monkeys" , and you can find "OK 3" in Range 1 return a BLANK but if it cant return 1

=COUNTIFS({PDCA Range 4}, HAS(@cell, "Monkeys"), {PDCA Range 1}, FIND("OK 3", @cell) = blank)

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Understood, the best way to do this is to create a report that would filter for PIC names that have values in the OPEN ITEMS column.

    Create > Report

    Name it OPEN ITEMS

    Source Sheet: The sheet you are using above

    Columns to Display: PIC, OPEN ITEMS

    Filter Criteria:

    Select Field = "OPEN ITEMS"

    Select Type = "is greater than"

    Enter Value = 0

    Then go to the dashboard and make this report the source for your graph.

    @ me to let me know how it works!

    Lidiya Shutaya


  • ✭✭✭


    Please clarify, what exactly is the goal of the formula: To output a 0 if the cell contains "Monkeys" AND "OK 3"?

    Is this a row formula or sheet formula?

    If it is a row formula I would suggest the formula be adjusted to:

    =IF(AND(FIND("Monkeys", [Task Name]@row) > 0, FIND("OK 3", [Task Name]@row) > 0), "1", "0")

    The issue you might be having is that the =FIND formula actually returns the location of the string if it is found. For example is the cell stated -

    Monkeys OK 3

    FIND("Monkeys", [Task Name]@row would return 1


    FIND("OK 3", [Task Name]@row would return a 9.

    If this is for the sheet, I would recommend creating a column and putting the formula above in it, then counting how many rows return a "1".

    Please reply with any questions!

    Lidiya Shutaya

  • I don't want the 0 to show up in my graph and just want it to be blank.

  • ✭✭✭

    No problem! Instead of "0" use "".

    =IF(AND(FIND("Monkeys", [Task Name]@row) > 0, FIND("OK 3", [Task Name]@row) > 0), "1", "")

    Do you want all the names to show up in the graph or only the ones with values?

    Lidiya Shutaya

  • Only the ones with values

  • ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Understood, the best way to do this is to create a report that would filter for PIC names that have values in the OPEN ITEMS column.

    Create > Report

    Name it OPEN ITEMS

    Source Sheet: The sheet you are using above

    Columns to Display: PIC, OPEN ITEMS

    Filter Criteria:

    Select Field = "OPEN ITEMS"

    Select Type = "is greater than"

    Enter Value = 0

    Then go to the dashboard and make this report the source for your graph.

    @ me to let me know how it works!

    Lidiya Shutaya

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