Charts bar without any information

Hi, i am creating some dashboards presenting metrics per each owner risk. I already create the formula in a report that is showing blanks instead of zeros then the chart should not show the value, but now i have the chart showing the name of the owner without anything. Is there a way that i can show just the one that contain values in the chart?

Below and example of the formula that i am using in the report to remove zeros and report blanks and that is working perfectly. The issue is that i don't want to show the names (circle in blue) that are not showing values this time.

=IF(COUNTIFS({What is it?}, "Risk", {Owner}, "Andrea Whisler", {Severity}, "Sev 1") > 0, COUNTIFS({What is it?}, "Risk", {Owner}, "Andrea Whisler", {Severity}, "Sev 1"))


  • Lidiya S.
    Lidiya S. ✭✭✭

    Hello @Raul Cabrera

    Is your chart based on a report or a sheet? If it is based on a report, you can add a filter where the column that contains your formula must be greater than 0 to display in the report. Only the items in the report will display in your chart so it should achieve your objective.

    Let me know how I can help!

    Lidiya Shutaya

  • My chart is based on summary sheet where i create many tables with formulas that will give me charts for my dashboard, then filtering will not help me due in the moment that i filter a column will affect another tables that i create in the same summary sheet.