Help with Budget Health formula

I stink at formulas and am trying to calculate budget health. If my Budget is greater than my Actual, it's green. If my Budget is less than my Actual, it's red.

I'm using =IF([Budget]@Row > [Actual]@row, "Green", if [Budget]@Row < [Actual]@Row, "Red"))

How do I write this correctly?

Best Answer

  • Lidiya S.
    Lidiya S. ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Stephen Huff ,

    Can you confirm for me if there is a "(" after the second IF statement? ( as shown below )

    =IF([Budget]@Row > [Actual]@row, "Green", IF([Budget]@Row < [Actual]@Row, "Red"))

    Also, what status would you want if the Budget = Actual? If you would want it to be green, the formula just need one symbol added ("=" next to ">"):

    =IF([Budget]@Row >= [Actual]@row, "Green", IF([Budget]@Row < [Actual]@Row, "Red"))


    Lidiya Shutaya


  • Lidiya S.
    Lidiya S. ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Stephen Huff ,

    Can you confirm for me if there is a "(" after the second IF statement? ( as shown below )

    =IF([Budget]@Row > [Actual]@row, "Green", IF([Budget]@Row < [Actual]@Row, "Red"))

    Also, what status would you want if the Budget = Actual? If you would want it to be green, the formula just need one symbol added ("=" next to ">"):

    =IF([Budget]@Row >= [Actual]@row, "Green", IF([Budget]@Row < [Actual]@Row, "Red"))


    Lidiya Shutaya

  • Thank you! This works :-)