Filter Sheet Summary Report by Column?

edited 09/23/21 in Smartsheet Basics

Ok..I will try to make this question as simple as possible. I feel like there is a simple answer that I am overlooking. Please help!

The screen shot below is one attendance tracking record among 7 different sessions/units. Within each session, there are ~8 different companies that I am tracking attendance for. I utilized the Sheet Summary function to go ahead and calculate the total number of people with each attendance status (Attended, Not Attended, Late, etc).

From there, I am looking to generate a report that is reflective of the attendance of ONE INDIVIDUAL company across the 7 different sessions/units. So for example, the report below is reflective of the attendance for all 8 companies for all 7 sessions/units. But I am just looking to filter out the attendance records for the company Command Alkon. Is there a simple way to do this?

I was able to create a regular report and group/summarize so that I have that information broken down, but I cannot convert that into a chart on the Dashboard, which is my end goal. Is there a workaround here?


  • MCorbin
    MCorbin Overachievers Alumni

    For this kind of thing, I will create a Metrics Sheet.

    The formula is:

    =COUNTIFS({Company}, $Company@row, {Workshop}, [Arrived Late]$1)

    Note the helper row at the top - by using a helper row with the workshop status values, you can create a formula that you can easily copy and paste across all of your columns.

    Make sure you have the $ before the company column and before the helper row # before you copy and paste.

    Your screenshot appears that you capture each unit in a separate sheet. You can easily do the same thing, and have each row's formula point to each unique sheet.