Importing a 10,000 lines x 60 columns sheet


As I am trying to import a large xls sheet I come a cross a SMartsheet limitation: 5,000 rows max

So I import the first 5,000 rows & try to paste manually the following rows.

I then come across a 2nd limitation: not more than 500 rows & 50 columns max.

But when I paste 300 lines & 45 columns I still get the error message stating the limit of 50 columns.

In essence importing the 10,000 rouws & 60 columns into Smartsheet turns into a nightmare.

And my Company doesn't have avaialble the DataShuttle module license unfortunately.

Would someone has guidance / tips on how should I handle this in a smarter way ?



Best Answer

  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    use it as your criteria for your move workflow.

    1. import sheet A (first 5k rows)
    2. import sheet B (second 5k rows)
    3. add checkbox column to sheet B
    4. add move workflow to sheet B (if checkbox column changes to checked, then moved to sheet A)
    5. Check the first checkbox in sheet B. Copy the checkbox, then hit ctrl-shift-down to highlight the entire column
    6. paste and then save
    7. wait a couple minutes, grab a coffee, do something else.
    8. refresh the screen
