Remove or Suppress Blank Rows in Report


Hello. I have a report that is displaying 15-20 rows of data (will never exceed 25 rows). The problem is that the report appears to default to showing 50 rows regardless of the data. As a result, in the current state, there will always be between 25 to 35 blank rows on this report. I am looking to use this report on a dashboard and would prefer that the expected 25-35 blank rows NOT be displayed (along with the resulting scroll bar). If I were to publish this report as-is, I expect to be fielding questions about these blank rows and would prefer to avoid this, if possible.

Is there a way to ONLY show rows that contain data on a report?

I have looked through the community responses but have not found anything on this topic. Quite possibly I am not using the right key word(s) to locate a solution. Hope I am missing something simple. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Best Answers

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @M McFadden

    How are you adding the Report on to the Dashboard? If you're using the Web Content Widget to show a Published Report, then there is no way to hide the blank rows since those rows exist as a default in the Report item.

    However, you can use a Report Widget in your Dashboard instead. This will only provide the rows with data into the Widget. You may have a blank space below your rows, but it won't show blank rows, so you can make the widget shorter and get rid of the space.

    For example, this Report only has one row of data:

    Will the Report Widget work for you?



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  • M McFadden
    M McFadden ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Thank you very much!


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @M McFadden

    How are you adding the Report on to the Dashboard? If you're using the Web Content Widget to show a Published Report, then there is no way to hide the blank rows since those rows exist as a default in the Report item.

    However, you can use a Report Widget in your Dashboard instead. This will only provide the rows with data into the Widget. You may have a blank space below your rows, but it won't show blank rows, so you can make the widget shorter and get rid of the space.

    For example, this Report only has one row of data:

    Will the Report Widget work for you?



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  • M McFadden
    M McFadden ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Thank you very much!

  • Genevieve P.

    No problem! 🙂

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  • maltaee
    maltaee ✭✭✭✭✭

    What about a report not in the dashboard? How to remove the rows at the bottom?

    Deleting them in the sheet will not work as they will be added back auto.

  • Genevieve P.

    Hi @maltaee

    There currently isn't way to get rid of the default rows that show in a Report. Rows without data will initially appear blank and will fill up as new rows matching your Report filters are brought in.



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  • Chizu Hieida
    Chizu Hieida ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P.

    Hi, our Tech team reached out that when we export Smartsheet Report to Excel, it didn't used to include the empty row. Our team was using the exported Excel for AppleScript to create Barcode however, exported Excel is including empty value in the Excel and breaking the AppleScript.

    At a glance, it looks same because it's "empty" cells. but AppleScript works after deleting the row below the data (which is looks like nothing is there.... )

    Any thoughts on how to go about this? I am not sure why this started lately and we've been using this for past 3 years.

  • Genevieve P.

    Hi @Chizu Hieida

    Is it possible that row exists in the underlying sheet and is being brought into the Report? In this case the row would look "blank" if the column cells shown in the Report are blank, but the row may have content in other columns in the source sheet.

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  • Chizu Hieida
    Chizu Hieida ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. Thanks - that was my thought also but at this time I'm unable to verify :( so we are waiting to hear back from the user next time he comes across with same error. thanks tho! :)