Due In 5 Days or Less Reminder If Not Completed

I'm sure this has been covered, but I could not find a specific resolution.

If a task is due in 5 days and is not marked Completed, how do I setup automation to send a reminder each day until the task is marked completed, i.e. 4 days, 3 days, 2 days, 1 day? Will the following automation work? In my mind, the following automation will send one reminder 5 days from the due date and not send reminders for 4,3,2, and 1 day until due. 'Due In' and 'Due Within' yields a different result.


Best Answer

  • Kimberly Loveless
    Kimberly Loveless ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I am not sure if you are able to do that in the automation. BUT you could add a helper checkbox column, I have done this on a similar solution of mine. What you would do is set a column formula that is something like =IF([Start Date]@row<= TODAY(+5),1,0) this should make it so that if it falls in that next five days the box will be checked. Then just change that first condition in your automation to if that helper column box is checked. That should make it run everyday.

    If you wanted you could also add an additional condition to that formula above so that if the date is in the next 5 days and is not completed it would check. If you wanted that the formula would be something like =IF(AND([Start Date]@row<= TODAY(+5),Status@row<> "Completed"),1,0)


  • Kimberly Loveless
    Kimberly Loveless ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I am not sure if you are able to do that in the automation. BUT you could add a helper checkbox column, I have done this on a similar solution of mine. What you would do is set a column formula that is something like =IF([Start Date]@row<= TODAY(+5),1,0) this should make it so that if it falls in that next five days the box will be checked. Then just change that first condition in your automation to if that helper column box is checked. That should make it run everyday.

    If you wanted you could also add an additional condition to that formula above so that if the date is in the next 5 days and is not completed it would check. If you wanted that the formula would be something like =IF(AND([Start Date]@row<= TODAY(+5),Status@row<> "Completed"),1,0)

  • Scott Bales
    Scott Bales ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Kimberly. I'll give that a try. I appreciate your time.