Comment Link

When I add and send (@name) a comment to a task in a SS schedule, the recipient gets the message but when they open it takes them to the top line of the project rather than that specific task. Is there a work around for this?


  • Kimberly Loveless
    Kimberly Loveless ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I guess my question would be what link are they clicking?

    From the email (shown below) if the "Reply in Smartsheet" button is pressed it opens the link indicated.

    From a Smartsheet notification if they select the sheet icon with the value from the primary column for the line (in this case "person 6") then it will take them to the correct line. BUT if they select "Go to Sheet" it will just take them to the top of the sheet.

  • Kim Michael
    Kim Michael ✭✭✭✭

    When you you receive an email from a comment box on a specific task link line, it comes in like this

    It shows the line the comment is linked to but it does not always open to that specific line (66). Not sure if it is something I have set wrong or it is a SS issue.