Links Going To Incorrect Sheet


Some of my teammates and I are noticing that following an email invitation link to a sheet is sending us to the wrong sheet. No matter which email I click to the follow it to the sheet content, Smartsheet goes to the same sheet of mine that I own. This issue has existed since early last week. I have cleared my cache and restarted and nothing is helping.

Has anyone had this issue before?



  • Hi @Garbetta

    What you're describing is definitely unexpected behaviour.

    Does this only happen with the sharing email link from one specific sheet, or does it happen when you share any Smartsheet item?

    If it's just one sheet, can you try sending a row from the sheet, and see if the sheet link from this other type of automation brings you to the right place?

    Are you able to find the sheet by navigating to it through the Smartsheet app (either via the search bar or from your home Folder?)



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  • Hi Genevieve,

    Thanks so much for your response. It appears that when I receive an email invitation to edit a sheet, it routes me to the last Smartsheet that I worked in. I copied the link from the button in the email and pasted it into the browser and it still routed me to the wrong sheet. I cleared my cache, restarted my computer, and no change. I have had 3 others report the same thing relative to different originated sheets.

    I haven't tried the row thing but I suppose I could.

    I was able to go in and find the invite in the notification section of the app and access the sheet that way. As you can imagine, we use that email function a lot and I'm the sysadmin so I figure I need to be able to explain it to team members.

    Thanks again!


  • Hi @Garbetta

    I've tested a few things and I can't seem to replicate what you're describing - instead of clicking the button, try clicking the new sheet name to see if that works instead?

    If this is happening for multiple users in your company as well as through multiple, different sheets, please contact Support with screen recordings, sheet names and URLs, showing the URL you click on in the email so they can troubleshoot this with you directly.

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  • @Genevieve P. - We are also seeing this issue and it is just as @Garbetta describes - when sending the "Invitation to Edit" notification, the two links (both the one at the top with the sheet name, and the link below saying "Open in Smartsheets") just open the last sheet/screen that I had open previously

    I've tried to close Smartsheets, and switch to view other sheets, before clicking the emailed link again but it always pulls open the previous sheet I was viewing rather than the intended sheet. This could be a big issue for us so I do hope this bug can be solved. Is there a particular service ticket we should be added to? Thanks!

  • Hi @Lindsay PC

    Does it happen with every sheet invitation or just specific invitations?

    Can I also clarify, are you using the Commercial version of Smartsheet, the .GOV version of Smartsheet, or the EU Regions version?

    @Garbetta is this still happening to you, and if so, would you mind clarifying the same thing?

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  • Thank you @Lindsay PC! @Genevieve P. It happens every time, yes. We've had to tell people to start using the notification center because the links to sheets are broken.

    We are using the Gov version of Smartsheet. This doesn't look good to our customers on top of the fact that we can't get Smartsheet dashboards to render in their SharePoint. Too many work arounds. Not good.

  • Hi @Garbetta

    Thank you for confirming! That makes a difference, it sounds like there may be an issue that's specific to links generated be the .GOV instance of Smartsheet which is why I was unable to replicate this.

    Please reach out to Support using the specific .GOV form:

    They can help you via a private channel so you can screen-share or provide them with screen recordings on the issue.

    Thank you!


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