Dynamic View - Row reminder

Jason P
Jason P ✭✭✭✭✭

Hi all.

From my Dynamic View dashboard I am unable to set a row reminder - is this feature not available or have I missed something? I don't want users to access the source sheet or report/s directly

Cheers Jason.


Best Answer

  • Casey Lisak
    Casey Lisak ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Dynamic View does not have reminders, but you can set the sheet automation to send a link to the DV/ dashboard for an update

    You can also have a helper column that shows the status.


  • Casey Lisak
    Casey Lisak ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Dynamic View does not have reminders, but you can set the sheet automation to send a link to the DV/ dashboard for an update

    You can also have a helper column that shows the status.