How to add a template to existing project in Control Center?

Krunal ✭✭✭✭
edited 06/14/22 in Add Ons and Integrations


I would like to add a template in an existing project which was not selected while creating a project. Although it was in the required templates still the person who created it must have unticked it.

I cannot add it as it is greyed out?

Thanks in advance,

Krunal Amin

Best Answer


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Krunal

    When you add a new Required Template to a Blueprint, all future projects will be provisioned with this Required Template. However previous projects won't have this automatically created.

    The Add New Templates option in Control Center is specific to adding Optional Templates. Required Templates are shown but greyed out so that users are unable to de-select those templates from the project.

    You will need to add the item directly in to each project folder (you can copy the sheet with Save as New and drag it to the right place).

    I hope that helps!



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  • Krunal
    Krunal ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Genevieve,

    Thank you so much. It was helpful and worked fine for me.


    Krunal Amin

  • Marie Toft
    Marie Toft ✭✭✭
    edited 07/14/22

    The frustrating thing about this work around is that then you have to relink all the formula references. When I tried this solution, my new "template" which is a sheet that summarizes data, was now linked to the original blueprint sheet. I have so many projects provisioned and the thought that I have to do a manage reference update for each project defeats one of the reasons we decided to move to control center.

    There has to be a better way to add new items to a blueprint and make them available to the project owners after provisioning.

  • Marie Toft
    Marie Toft ✭✭✭
    edited 07/15/22

    I tried the approach of creating the new template as an "optional template" in the blueprint that then I could add to an already provisioned project. I thought I had figured out a "work around" but all it did was allow me to add the new template with the formatted rows and columns....but any data that was linked to other sheets was not showing up. In those cells that had formulas with links to other sheets was #REF and no way to even do an "Update Reference" b/c I get a window that says the "sheet is not currently available"

    Am I missing a step?

    What is the value of Control Center if we can't add additional summaries or reporting after the fact to existing provisioned projects?

  • I am running into a similar issue. Added a new optional template to all projects via Control Center however the vlook references or cell links where directed to Blueprint folder. I had to update those in all my projects manually. Is this already fixed?

  • Marie Toft
    Marie Toft ✭✭✭

    After talking with Smartsheet PRO desk, this is how it was intended. It is not able to do cross-sheet references when adding a new template to an existing project.

  • I'm with you Marie, then what is the point of control center, and having global updates or Edit to projects if we have to go into each project to do this manually. Seems to be a broken solution, as I'm finding out the more time I invest in this product!