Manipulating Smartsheet

Hi Group

New to using Smartsheet

I have the following questions

Question 1

When creating schedules, is it possible to have Smartsheet give days or weeks from planned start date?


Start date: October 11

Planned Week Duration: 2 Weeks

Resulting Date: October 25th

Question 2

Some type of revision control

Trying to distinguish a Work In Progress schedule vs. a Released schedule

Question 3

Printing - How or where to insert company logo

Also when printing, it's not showing all columns and/or Gantt chart

-- How or where to fix this?

-- Also, how to remove the Smartsheet logo


  • Parker Oxford
    Parker Oxford ✭✭✭✭✭

    Question 1:

    Create 3 columns -- Start Date, Duration, End Date (make the Start and End Dates be Date Columns)

    Have users input their Start Date and Duration (in weeks) in manually, then put this formula into the End Date column:

    =([Start Date]@row + (7*[Duration]@row)) 

    Question 2:

    Create a dropdown column with the two values you'd like to filter between and create a filter for each one.

    Question 3:

    Go to Personal Settings, Personal Colors & Logo..., then upload your company logo that way.

    You can also select a custom date range for the Gantt chart as well as a custom page size if you'd like to change the proportions of the page.