Hello, I cant seem to get my "at risk" column formula to work. I keep getting #Unpars error message.

Here is the formula I'm using: =IF(AND([END]3<TODAY(),NOT(Status3="Complete")),1,0)


  • Hi @Tangenna

    What are your column names?

    You will want to make sure your date column is named "END" and that the status column is named "Status".

    I would also suggest using @row instead of the row reference of row 3.

    Try this:

     =IF(AND(END@row < TODAY(), Status@row <>"Complete"), 1, 0)

    If this hasn't helped, can you post a bigger screen capture showing the column names?



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  • Hi Genevieve,

    Thanks for your help. I entered to formula above and I'm still getting a #UNPARS error. Here is a larger screen shot of my columns.

  • Hi @Tangenna

    Thank you for the screen capture! I see that your END column is actually called "End Date"

    Try updating your formula to the following:

     =IF(AND([End Date]@row < TODAY(), Status@row <>"Complete"), 1, 0)

    Let me know if that makes sense!



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