Associate Not Getting Workspace Invite

We have had over 100+ get workspace invites, yet one personnel can not get the invite no matter what. Their email is correct, they use the company password to their literal computer, I send the invite, and nothing comes up. Oddly enough, he is able to get a workspace invite from another group. Why is my workspace the only one bugging out?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Austin Whisenant

    Are you providing them Sharing access to a Workspace, or are you adding them as a Member to your plan?

    If you have shared them to a Workspace they would not need to Accept the email invite in order to see the Workspace. It should automatically appear under their Workspace tab on the left:

    You can share Workspaces to collaborators even if they are not a part of your plan.

    In regards to accepting the invite into your Plan, this can also be done directly from within the Smartsheet application. They should see a pop-up when they log in asking if they want to agree to be a member of your plan.

    If neither of these are happening, please ask the user to verify that the email address they are using to log into Smartsheet is the same one you are sending invitations and sharing items to.

    If they click on their Profile icon (bottom-left), the Plan Info window will identify what plan they are a part of, and the Personal Settings will identify the Email Address associated with this specific Smartsheet login.

    Once you have verified that they email they are using to log in is the same one that you are sharing workspaces to, please reach out to Smartsheet Support with screen captures of what this user sees, their email address, and the Workspace name. They'll be able to work with you in a private channel to troubleshoot this.



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  • Hi @Austin Whisenant

    Is it possible that this automated email is getting caught by his spam/junk filter? (See: Issue: Email Not Received from Smartsheet)

    If this isn't the case, can you have the user log in to Smartsheet and see if the Workspace appears as an option on the left, and if they received the notification in the Notification Center (the bell icon).



    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now

  • Thanks Genevieve,

    We did check the junk/spam mail and nothing is there. Also, we did look on the left hand side at the folder to see if they had access, but there was nothing there either.

    It shows on the user management side that they are pending an invite, but just not getting the invite at all


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Austin Whisenant

    Are you providing them Sharing access to a Workspace, or are you adding them as a Member to your plan?

    If you have shared them to a Workspace they would not need to Accept the email invite in order to see the Workspace. It should automatically appear under their Workspace tab on the left:

    You can share Workspaces to collaborators even if they are not a part of your plan.

    In regards to accepting the invite into your Plan, this can also be done directly from within the Smartsheet application. They should see a pop-up when they log in asking if they want to agree to be a member of your plan.

    If neither of these are happening, please ask the user to verify that the email address they are using to log into Smartsheet is the same one you are sending invitations and sharing items to.

    If they click on their Profile icon (bottom-left), the Plan Info window will identify what plan they are a part of, and the Personal Settings will identify the Email Address associated with this specific Smartsheet login.

    Once you have verified that they email they are using to log in is the same one that you are sharing workspaces to, please reach out to Smartsheet Support with screen captures of what this user sees, their email address, and the Workspace name. They'll be able to work with you in a private channel to troubleshoot this.



    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now