Planner/Roster/Scheduler that's not Project related

Has anyone built a planning tool for equipment and/or people? I've built one for equipment and it's taken me weeks and weeks to get the data in and it's still not perfect for what we need. There must be a better way.

Each item is its' own thing, no child rows. We want to see where everything/everyone is Today, what/who's available, the past and plan for the future. It needs to have information for each asset, and if we can track running costs and day rate revenue, even better.

I thought Calendar app would do what we want but it only shows the current "booking" and not the future. Gantt, same thing.

Anyway, I can handle the way the equipment is set up now, but I can't get my head around scheduling people. Their tasks change at the drop of a hat and if it rains, they have a fatigue day. Currently our SS system doesn't show that well and if we get audited, it won't look good. Our Excel version is much cleaner in that sense. (part of our excel sheet below)

Anyone done scheduling like this in SS?


  • BullandKhmer
    BullandKhmer ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi there,

    I've worked on this problem in the past. The best answer might be to get the resource management add on.

    I did manage to build a workaround but it was particularly labor intensive to set up, especially if you need to look well into the future as it requires a lot of conditional formatting.

    Happy to have a look at your sheet and provide feedback and/or ideas if you want.



  • Hi Adam,

    Yeah I thought about that but we just signed a new 3 yr contract that doesn't include Resource Management unfortunately.

    Any chance you could show me your layout? With sensitive information hidden.