Ensuring a proof is added to a row


Is there workflow available to ensure if a checkbox is checked, I can validate a Proof has been added to that row? I have a plan that is built out to checkbox an install happened at the location where it was requested. We can checkbox we did place equipment there. We can also attach a proof of a pic that it is there. Both of these items happen independently and manually. I would like to have logic / workflow built to first check to see if an image was added as a "Proof" attachment to that row, and if not, prompt with an Update Request or an Alert to remind someone to put a Proof in.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


Edward Nadareski

(e): ejnadareski@mmhayes.com

(p): (518) 857-1221

Best Answer

  • Devin Lee
    Devin Lee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    As far as I know, formulas and workflows can't interact with attachments or proofs. You can however insert photos into a cell and that cell can be referenced to see if it's blank or not. So a situation like the one below would work.

    Installed is a checkbox column

    Photo is where you would upload the image into the cell at the right row

    The formula would go into a column that can trigger an automation. In this case the trigger would be a cell with the value "Insert Photo"

    =IF(Installed@row = 0, "", IF(Photo@row = "", "Insert Photo", ""))


  • Devin Lee
    Devin Lee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    As far as I know, formulas and workflows can't interact with attachments or proofs. You can however insert photos into a cell and that cell can be referenced to see if it's blank or not. So a situation like the one below would work.

    Installed is a checkbox column

    Photo is where you would upload the image into the cell at the right row

    The formula would go into a column that can trigger an automation. In this case the trigger would be a cell with the value "Insert Photo"

    =IF(Installed@row = 0, "", IF(Photo@row = "", "Insert Photo", ""))

  • Edward Nadareski
    Edward Nadareski ✭✭✭✭

    Hello Devin,

    Thank you very much for the information and follow up!

    This worked for what I was trying to do. Not the optimal solution I wanted from SS...but it did get me through the operational part. Hopefully, SS will have a way to process this in a future release.

    Thanks again! -Edward


    Edward Nadareski

    (e): ejnadareski@mmhayes.com

    (p): (518) 857-1221