Approval workflow - can I require all cell based approvals before setting status to Approved?

It appears from experimenting with Approval workflows, that when I have multiple approvers in the designated Approvers cell, any one of those persons upon approving, will change the status to approved. What I desire is to require a logical AND of all the approvers before changing to Approved. Is there an option for this?

Note the help page on this indicates it should be possible, or it does not state it is excluded. I do not want sequential approvals. This is for many workflows I have where a selected group of approvers will review and all approve or one or more may decline.

Best Answer

  • Jason Duryea
    Jason Duryea ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Yes, but you would need to create separate columns (and approval workflows) for each required approval. Then base the approval status off of each of the approvals being completed, using an IF formula. Rather than an IF statement formula, you could also setup a separate "Change Cell Value" automation to update the approval status once all of the approvals are completed.


  • Jason Duryea
    Jason Duryea ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Yes, but you would need to create separate columns (and approval workflows) for each required approval. Then base the approval status off of each of the approvals being completed, using an IF formula. Rather than an IF statement formula, you could also setup a separate "Change Cell Value" automation to update the approval status once all of the approvals are completed.

  • Thank you. I see now how those options would work. I will give it a try.