Removing condition from conditional formatting rule

I can add multiple condition to a conditional formatting rule. I can modify those conditions later on.

But I cannot find ways to delete the unneeded condition from the formatting rule.


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    The only way I have found to accomplish this is to recreate the rule without the unneeded condition then delete the old rule containing the condition.

  • Vadim K
    Vadim K ✭✭

    Thanks for suggestion.

    That is obvious one - I did it for simple ones but for complex ones it is too much work. Plus, I have to position that rule where the original one was. And then I have to do that in all sheets cloned from the same master before the change (I found a needed change for one project, I need to make sure others have the same and my project master is updated as well).

    The simpler workaround is to convert the unneeded rule to something that resembles 1=1 (like date field is a date etc.).

    This is rather a surprising miss in otherwise sophisticated and well designed platform.