Are Conditions Mutually Inclusive or Exclusive?

Hi all,

I have a workflow with various ramifications. I would like to know, with one line of evaluation (which has 3 conditions), will the trigger play if the 3 conditions are met or with only one, it will trigger them? I need the 3 conditions to be met, but Smartsheet just will give the option "Or When" in the conditions, which makes me think that with only one condition, a workflow line will triggered, I need it to evaluate that the 3 conditions are met, for the action requested to be sent.

Expecting your valued response.

Thank you.


  • Heather Duff
    Heather Duff ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @CANF ,

    That depends on how you have your conditions set. If you have the conditions set to "and," (see blue text below) it will only trigger when all 3 conditions are met.

    If you have it set to "or," it will trigger when at least one condition is met.

    Hope this helps!

