Send A Daily reminder based on Status field

First off thanks for this great community. Being new to Smartsheet, this has been a great resource to help with the deep dive. I would like to report so far so good!!

I have been digging and looking into the process to send a daily email to update staff on what is left on a task list with a status not = completed.

The problem I am having is trying to figure out how to trigger this email-based field and not on a date of some sort. It has to be right in front of me but for some reason, I can not figure it out. ANY help would be great and would be considered a present straight from SANTA himself. Thanks for your time!


Best Answer

  • Jeff M.
    Jeff M. ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    The Automation 'Alert Someone' with the trigger set to when a date is reached. Then change the setting to custom which allows you to change it to check it daily at a specified hour. Next, the condition would be status column 'is one of' Not Completed. You could customize it further if you have a name column and add an additional condition where name = "John Doe", Alert John Doe..


  • Jeff M.
    Jeff M. ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    The Automation 'Alert Someone' with the trigger set to when a date is reached. Then change the setting to custom which allows you to change it to check it daily at a specified hour. Next, the condition would be status column 'is one of' Not Completed. You could customize it further if you have a name column and add an additional condition where name = "John Doe", Alert John Doe..

  • Jeff i owe you a beer next time you are in Montana!!!! The Custome Date option is what did it. Thanks so much!!!

  • Jeff M.
    Jeff M. ✭✭✭

    Awesome!! Glad I could help you out!!