Can you create a folder on an admin level?

We use Smartsheet for many different projects. Since 2018 we have accumulated many sheets. These sheets are shared with many users, in different departments. Is there a way to organize these sheets on an admin level, for example by construction year, without having to set up the same folders on a user level, over and over again?

Going forward we are going to use Workspaces. I'm trying to navigate past years.


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Unfortunately you are going to have to do some manual work on this one whether it be by creating the folders or renaming sheets to include the year somewhere. Workspaces are definitely the way to go.

    You could create a "Past Years" workspace, organize everything once, then share everyone to that workspace. That way everyone doesn't have to do it on an individual basis.

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