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Smart Sheet Summary for average time between two dates for two columns

Hi all,

I am having some issues working this one out and am hoping someone might be able to help!

I have two columns in my sheet that I am interested in, "Predicted UAT Start Date" and "Actual UAT Start Date". I then have many rows for each of our different projects. What I would like to know is the average amount of time between the two dates for all of our projects (ie. the many rows). I would ideally like to do the formula in a Smart Sheet Summary field and without creating any additional columns in my original sheet.

Is there a way to do this?

Many thanks,



  • ✭✭✭

    Hi @EmmaSob ,

    Hope you are Good and Safe!

    As per my understanding you are asking for the number of hours between dates so in that case, you can find out no of days i:e [Start date- end date] and then multiply by 24.

    If I'm wrong means Could you please explain with Sample data.


    Sandhiya P

  • ✭✭✭

    Hi @Sandhiya07

    Thank you for your reply. No, this isn't quite what I'm after. I'm not wanting to create additional columns in the sheet to make the calculation, hence the desire to do the formula in a smart sheet summary field. I also don't need to work out hours, just days.

    Many thanks,


  • ✭✭✭

    Hi @EmmaSob

    As per my Understanding, atleast we need to create atleast one column to calculate No of Days and then we will show Average for each Project in Sheet Summary. Like below,

    Please suggest if this solution is helpful for you.


    Sandhiya P

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