Sharing Across Domains - Only get View Only Access

We create many Smartsheets for clients who have Enterprise licenses (we have a Pro license).

When we share a sheet with them, whether it's Editor or Admin level permissions, they only get "View Only" permissions.

Is there something we or they need to do to get Editing permission?


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    With a Pro license, you can only have up to 10 collaborators per item.

  • LakeWaconia
    LakeWaconia ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Paul there are only 5 collaborators on each item.

  • Hi @LakeWaconia

    In a Pro Plan, sharing to any account outside of your plan (even if they are in an Enterprise plan) will provide them with Read-Only access to your sheet. Collaborators in Pro Plans will need to be licensed users on your account in order to Edit or have Admin access. (See: Sharing and widgets in the Pro plan)

    However, Enterprise licenses work the other way around. If any of your Enterprise collaborators shares a sheet with you as an outside member of their plan, then you will be able to Edit that sheet. Does that make sense?

    I would suggest asking the Enterprise collaborators to set up a Workspace where you can all share sheets, and have the Workspace and Workspace Items owned by one of the licensed Enterprise users (giving you Admin access). This should allow you to all collaborate on the items with the correct abilities.



  • jlkosek
    jlkosek ✭✭

    So, to be clear, if I pay for my own Pro Account and want to collaborate with my husband on that SmartSheet then we BOTH have to pay for Pro licenses?

  • Hi @jlkosek

    Yes, if you need another person to edit or work in your sheets on a Pro Plan, then that other person will need to be licensed on your plan in order to edit content. This is specific to how collaboration works in the Pro Plan.



  • Is this new? I've been using Smartsheet for a while and have always been able to give editing rights to 10 unlicenced free collaborators. If this is not possible anymore, smartsheet does not make sense...In the french info section, it is clearly stated that even a free user, you can consult, modify and update a sheet that has been shared with you. Thank you for indicating how to continue to collaborate with free users.

  • Hi @SergeMaynard

    The actions Free collaborators can take will depend on the Plan type you have. On Business and Enterprise plans you can have unlimited collaborators that can edit sheets. On the Pro Plan you will need to give your editors a license.

    The Pricing Page has more information:



  • This is ridiculous! I have a similar situation with two collaborators, both on paid Pro plans (but different accounts) and we can't both edit. I agree with earlier commenter that Smartsheet no longer makes sense. Any recommendations for other platforms that you can actually collaborate on?

  • A colleague and I have the Pro plan and need to collaborate and edit sheets; If we change to be on the same domain to be able to do so, will we still be billed separately?

  • Hi @poncecrystal9

    You will need to be on the same paid plan, two licenses but paid on the same plan, in order to edit sheets together on the Pro plan. The other option is for one of you to have a separate Business plan and share sheets from there instead. (See: