Bar chart- unable to display labels for horizontal axis

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I want the corresponding labels for the data that is being reflected. I have correctly selected the column with the labels


  • Hi @Courtney M

    Try toggling on the option on the right that says "Use first column as series labels":

    Let me know if that worked for you!



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  • zsiegel
    zsiegel ✭✭✭

    Hi @Genevieve P. I have been having this issue as well. Your suggestion does not apply - when creating a chart from a report, Smartsheet seems to infer which column is mapped to the horizontal axis, and in these cases I seem to often not see labels on that axis. Checking "Use first column as series labels" in these cases results in the next column, which was otherwise mapped to the vertical axis position (bar or line height), to generate x axis labels, essentially pivoting my data in a very unintended way.

    As far as I can tell there is a clear bug in this chart widget. For me, it has only occurred when creating charts from reports, not grids, for what it's worth.

  • Hi @zsiegel

    Would you be able to post screen captures to clarify how your Reports and Charts are set up? (But block out sensitive data). It would be helpful to know if you're using a Grouped and Summarized version of a Report to gather data, or just a Row Report without Grouping.



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  • Julia J
    Julia J ✭✭

    I'm running into the same issue.

    My input is a Report with Groupings. When I first import the Data the horizontal axis show up with the correct labels (img 1) but when I got to adjust the column data to show only the 2 columns I need, the labels go away and I can't seems to get them back (img 2).

  • Hi @Julia J

    If you're only selecting specific columns, have you made sure to include the column with the labels in the chart? (So three columns selected, the labels and the two data points).

    If you have included this column, can you also post a screen capture of the chart settings open to the right of the graph? Thanks!


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  • I am having the same issue as well. In my case I have pulled together a report from 2 data sheet. In the generated report, I have a grouping done on column and summary done on multiple column to get averages from those columns. When I creating the dashboard graph with this report it was creating by default with All Columns and the axis was populating the labels I wanted. But when I modify the setting to include only one column I want in the graph, the labels vanish.

  • Hi @Siddharth Ramesh

    The labels will be taken from the Grouping in the Report; when you select the 1 column, are you also selecting the column you used for Grouping?

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  • Cesar Perez
    Cesar Perez ✭✭✭✭

    Has this issue been fixed? I am experiencing the same result when using a report to create the chart. The labels are missing all together.

  • zsiegel
    zsiegel ✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. I'm not sure whether it's worth any individual user's time to dig deep on this and take a bunch of screenshots for your engineering team.

    I think the critical mass of users experiencing this should confirm that it's a real bug, and I have no doubt your eng team will be able to reproduce it.

    At this point I think your most useful contribution as a CSM would be to comment on whether/how you're communicating with them, and what their progress is.

    Thank you.

  • Hey @zsiegel Thanks for the tag and notification!

    What charts display automatically depends on how the source data is configured as well as the settings within the Chart widget. My request for screen captures enables me to set up tests replicating the exact same configuration so I can help clarify if the chart's display is expected behaviour or not.

    For example, here is my source report with sample data, with Grouping and Summary:

    Which then creates a chart where the Primary column is the X Values and the Year columns are the Y values:

    @Cesar Perez, can you clarify how your Report is set up? Is the grouping based on your Primary column values or another column? Do you have "All Columns" selected in your Chart?

    Thank you!


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  • Cesar Perez
    Cesar Perez ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Genevieve P. the chart is based on a report. The report has no groupings and the source sheet for the report has no groupings. All the columns in the source sheet are selected

  • Hi @Cesar Perez

    Is the column with the text you want on the X Axis on the left side of the report? Can you post an image of your source report (but block out sensitive data)

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  • Cesar Perez
    Cesar Perez ✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. here are the screenshots. Please note that the data is based on the week numbers, 1, 2, 3 .... in the first column. The years go across the sheet.

    The report is set to show data if any of the years is greater than 0. This is done through a filter in the report.

    The images below show the setup of the sheet. Note that I did not include all the rows in the image but they are in the file. There is another image showing the charts based on the source sheet and based on the report. The chart from the source sheet shows all the weeks from 1 to 52 and it shows the labels. The chart from the report shows weeks 1 to 51 and does not show the labels. There is no data in any of the columns for week 52.

  • Hi @Cesar Perez

    Thank you for these screen captures, this helps a lot! I can see in your source data that you have multiple columns with 0 data in them, however in your legend there are only 2 dates/columns showing.

    Have you selected specific columns in your report Chart widget set up? If so, you'll need to ensure that your column titled "Year" is also selected, so it can be displayed as the X Axis.

    Here's a test Report I did that's similar to your set-up:

    With this as the source, the Chart initially pulls in all columns:

    But if I only select 2022 and 2023, it will only bring in data from those 2 columns and ignore my Year column for the X axis:

    To add that back in, I'll need to select Year as a column to include:

    And then toggle on the option that says Use first column as series labels:

    Let me know if this is the setting that was missing or not 🙂



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  • Cesar Perez
    Cesar Perez ✭✭✭✭

    That did it @GenevieveB. I missed the Year name in the column selection. Thank you