Weekly update request for newly approved rows


I'm trying to set up a workflow that will send an update request once a week for all the rows in which the status has changed to "Approved" during the week prior to the request notification. The update request should not include rows that have the status "Approved" if the status field for those rows was not changed during the week prior.

I tried setting this up with the trigger block set to "When rows are changed" and "when Status changes to Approved" with the frequency set to "Weekly". However, upon testing, this sent a notification for all the rows that have a status of "Approved," not just the ones where the status has changed to "Approved" in the last week.

Is there a way to set up this workflow in the way that I want?

Best Answer

  • Partcheasy
    Answer ✓

    If I were to try this, I would probably create another column called something like "Approved Date", and add a workflow to "Record a date" every time status changes to "Approved".

    Then you will have a time stamp of when each item was actually approved, and from there you can create another workflow that, for example, runs every Friday and sends the email out where "Approved Date" is in the last 7 days.

    I think that should work anyways, let me know if you have any questions.


  • Partcheasy
    Answer ✓

    If I were to try this, I would probably create another column called something like "Approved Date", and add a workflow to "Record a date" every time status changes to "Approved".

    Then you will have a time stamp of when each item was actually approved, and from there you can create another workflow that, for example, runs every Friday and sends the email out where "Approved Date" is in the last 7 days.

    I think that should work anyways, let me know if you have any questions.

  • @Partcheasy, I actually just learned about the "Record a date" automation! I tried setting up pretty much exactly what you described. Tested it out, and it appears to work!

  • Circling back with some new information. On a whim, I kept my original workflow in place and let it run this morning. As I suspected, the behavior of the trigger when running the real thing was not the same as when run using "Test now…". The update request that hit my inbox this morning contained only the rows I had wanted it to. No need for a workaround with a helper column. Lesson learned, don't count on automation tests to be accurate reflections of what will actually happen.