Using Smartsheet as a Customer Database / Information Store

Chris W.
Chris W.
edited 02/12/22 in Smartsheet Basics

Hi All,

My company has been using Smartsheet for a while now and is happy with the product. We want to start using it as an information database.

  • Specifically, we want to track organizations, contacts, and services provided to those organizations.
  • We're a B2B business and often sell multiple services to one organization. In other words, there's a one-to-many relationship (Org 1, Service A, Service B).

We have a home-grown method for doing some of this, but will likely need to do a redesign to get things in order. We're aware of built-in features (i.e., linked cells) and are familiar with common spreadsheet formulas (index, match, join, collect). I've also found a few templates that could be helpful.

Our challenge is conceptualizing how design the sheets to streamline the process. With a good example, I'm confident we can execute on it. Are there any videos or guides out there that can help with something like this?
