formula to create a repeated number sequence in a formula column

I have a 400 claims (and growing) that need to be assigned to three claims examiners. I would like to evenly distribute the work, so I would like to create a column formula in a helper column that simply repeats 1-2-3, like this:

  • row 1 - 1
  • row 2 - 2
  • row 3 - 3
  • row 4 - 1
  • row 5 - 2
  • row 6 - 3

In Excel this is simple, but I'm stuck trying to do this in smartsheet.

Then it will be simple to use that value to do the assignment via an index/match:

  • 1 = examiner 1
  • 2 = examiner 2
  • 3 = examiner 3

Open to other ideas if anyone has another approach that works.


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