Receiving error when using If/And

I have a sheet with the following columns, Date Opened, New - Review Date, Working Date, Alert column, and Status.

New-Review and Working Dates are automated by the system when the Status changes to one of those options it records the date.

I am trying to write a formula to fit the below scenarios:

If one day has passed and the status has not changed to New - Review then Alert turns Yellow

If 2 days have passed and the status has not changed to New - Review then Alert turns Red

Then I would like basically the same formula to raise that same red dot when the status hasn't changed to Working within 9 days from the Date Opened.

I tried to write the first if statement but I am getting an incorrect argument set (=IF(AND([Date Opened]@row = TODAY(-2), Status@row <> "New - Review", "Red"). I tested each if statement individually and they worked, just not when I put them together.


Best Answer

  • Christina09
    Christina09 Community Champion
    edited 03/01/22 Answer ✓

    @Christopher Pretty

    This is your original formula: =IF(AND([Date Opened]@row = TODAY(-2), Status@row <> "New - Review", "Red")

    I meant the close bracket after "New - Review")

    Use this: =IF(AND([Date Opened]@row = TODAY(-2), Status@row <> "New - Review"), "Red")


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