WORKDAY formula to prevent auto planning on weekend days

edited 03/15/22 in Formulas and Functions

In my sheet I would like to use a date and add 3 days automatically in another cell, but I want to make sure the date that automatically appears is not on a Sunday or Saturday. I have looked in the Formula Sheet which is provided by Smartsheets, but can only find formulas which calculate the amount of workdays between two dates. Does anyone have the golden tip to prevent me from planning on weekend days?



  • Gia Thinh
    Gia Thinh Community Champion

    Hi Willemijn,

    It seems you need to setup your sheet as a Project sheet that includes columns of Start date, End date, Duration. You also setup working days (Mon-Fri).

    Look at the below sreen shot of a Project formated sheet then appy to your sheet.

    Hope that helps.

    Gia Thinh Technology - Smartsheet Solution Partner.
    Email :

  • BELLO_miguel
    edited 05/04/22

    Please, I noticed that when I do what you sugested the column "due date" is not able anymore to accpect formulas. How can I solve this?

    my grid:

    Start Date | SLA | Due Date

    04/05/2022 | 3 | ?? formula

    I would like to have due date with formulas considering only workdays.

    Thanks in advance.


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