Recording dates in single workflow

Kaveri Vipat
Kaveri Vipat ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 03/16/22 in Formulas and Functions

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are doing great

I am trying to record 4 different dates in a single workflow but getting dates in only in the 1st date column and all the 3 date columns are not working.

In my sheet I have 4 different status columns and their value is (Not Started, In Progress and Complete)

Status 1 - Not Started, In Progress, and Complete

Status 2 - Not Started, In Progress, and Complete

Status 3 - Not Started, In Progress, and Complete

Status 4 - Not Started, In Progress, and Complete

Now, I want to record dates of Status when it changes to Not Started, In Progress, and Complete

If status 1 changes to Not Started then the date should be recorded in the Record date "Not Started" Column same for if it is changed to In Progress the date should be recorded for the Record date "In Progress" column. and same for all the status.

All I want is to create a single workflow for Not Started status (for all the 4 columns), In progress, and Complete. I don't want to create 12 workflows for this.

Please guide me to achieve this, I hope my requirement is clear.

Thanks in advance!!


Kaveri Vipat

Senior Associate - Smartsheet Development, Ignatiuz Software

2023 Core Product Certified

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