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Cannot edit after up-grading from free/trial

Sispeedy ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi I am the first timer to Smartsheet. 

Yesterday, I made the up-grade, but then, as soon as I did this, I cannot edit any sheets.

I get an icon pops up indicating " You need to up-grade" . Come on.... I did up-grade..

I still had 8days left for the free trial.

I would like a help ASAP so that my teams can star using it.

Called and emailed customer support.  No support or no words from the what so ever..





  • Hello,

    The Smartsheet community isn't equipped to troubleshoot an issue such as this one. If our Support team hasn't gotten back to you quite yet, they will soon. They have a lot of customers to help, but they help them all as soon as they can.

    With that being said, you may try refreshing your browser, or signing out and signing back in and seeing if the messages go away.

    Otherwise, it's also possible that you upgraded a different email address other than the one you were using during your trial. If that's the case, you'll need to sign in to Smartsheet with that other email address and add your trial email to your team's plan to transfer the sheets. Details on adding users to a plan can be found in our Help Center: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/795920-managing-users-multiuser-plans-#addusers 

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