Would you like to help shape the product by participating in Smartsheet research session?

Hey Smartsheet Community,

The Smartsheet research team is seeking your feedback on an area of the product that we're making updates on. We'd love for you to participate in an unmoderated research session, so we can ensure your feedback and expertise is considered as we make changes. Click on the link below to begin participating, the estimated time is about 5 minutes. Thank you Community!



  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/29/22

    Just a note about searches, we have a policy for filenames on our network servers that requires no special characters and no spaces. Some people adopt this naming strategy for their smartsheets. I don't want to tell them that they are incorrect because this is the structure they are used to and has been reinforced for file structure elsewhere, but it REALLY messes with the search function. fixing this would make the search function much easier for me and my team.