Auto Number / system column ( Time issues)

So I have an auto number / system column to show me created date and time for some form submissions...

However its shows me correct date and time an hour behind ???

I have checked my settings they are set to GMT like they should be, I have a feeling it has not took in Daylight Saving Time ....

Any ideas on how to fix this are welcomed .....

the 'time' part is crucial as these are an escalation forms

Thank you again all :)

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Stacy Meadows

    The System Date columns will display values based on your Personal Settings. Is it possible that instead of general GMT you should be on a daylight savings timezone, such as GMT + 1 (Europe)?

    If you select the timezone based on location (e.g. Europe) then it will auto-adjust as Europe changes with daylight savings:



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  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Stacy Meadows

    The System Date columns will display values based on your Personal Settings. Is it possible that instead of general GMT you should be on a daylight savings timezone, such as GMT + 1 (Europe)?

    If you select the timezone based on location (e.g. Europe) then it will auto-adjust as Europe changes with daylight savings:



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