Receive An Email Notification When a New Online Form is Submitted

My team is trying to receive an email when a new design request form is submitted through our web form.

Can someone help us out? I have no idea how to do this. We want to receive an email notification every time a "new form" is submitted, not every time a column is updated.

If possible. Could someone outline the steps I need to take to do this? with photos if it is not too much to ask.

Thank you all.

Best Answer

  • Katy H
    Katy H ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Nazzir S

    You would accomplish this with a workflow.

    1. Click to create a new automation from scratch:
    2. Change Trigger to "When rows are added", you can also change column-based triggers if for instance you only want to send a notification if a certain field has been filled out.
    3. Then change notification to alert whoever needs to receive the alert, I updated to notify everyone shared to the sheet, but this could be changed to an email address or to a contact column.

    Katy Hall

    Head of Product Management

    ILLA Canna



  • Katy H
    Katy H ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Nazzir S

    You would accomplish this with a workflow.

    1. Click to create a new automation from scratch:
    2. Change Trigger to "When rows are added", you can also change column-based triggers if for instance you only want to send a notification if a certain field has been filled out.
    3. Then change notification to alert whoever needs to receive the alert, I updated to notify everyone shared to the sheet, but this could be changed to an email address or to a contact column.

    Katy Hall

    Head of Product Management

    ILLA Canna



    This is amazing; it worked like a charm!

  • David G
    David G ✭✭

    How about only sending it to the email listed on the form? i.e. I enter the email address of the recipient I want to receive it.

  • Katy H
    Katy H ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @David G then you would need to select the notification to be sent to a contact column and then choose the contact column for the person that filled out the form, either collected as a system column or as a contact column the person completing the form would fill out.

    If you decide to use the system-generated column, you would need to require people to log in to access the form.

    Katy Hall

    Head of Product Management

    ILLA Canna


  • I have the same issue and tried this, but I still get alert emails when I copy/paste an existing row. The only thing I can do is uncheck the hidden column before copying/pasting the row. Is there an easier way?

  • Mattisphere
    Mattisphere ✭✭✭✭✭

    @SBuhrman You could add a checkbox field called something like "New Form Submission". Add that to the form as a hidden field and checked by default. Then add a condition to the workflow example above that only runs if the "New Form Submission" field is checked. Lastly, add at the end of the workflow to uncheck the "New Form Submission" field. That way when you copy and paste the row in the future it won't trigger the notification.

  • Hi

    Is there anyway you can add a default email to bottom of the form? So you can receive a copy of every request.