How to include categories in horizontal axis while displaying independent colors for each series

I have a summary sheet with data I am using to include in a dashboard. My goal is to display this data as a bar chart where each cateogry is labeled in the horizontal axis and each category has its own color. I do not want to use a legend, the idea is the information can be quickly identified without cross referencing a legend.

I can display the series with different colors but no labels on the horizontal axis, or If I swtich rows to columns I can display the series labels in the horizontal axis, but all series have the same color.

How can I maintain each serie's color while displaying the seires name on the horizontal axis?


  • Hi @Aider

    Depending on how your source data is displayed, it sounds like you want to toggle on the option that says "Use first column as series labels". This should bring your first column in the data selection to be the labels in your X axis.



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  • Aider
    Aider ✭✭
    edited 04/20/22

    Hello @Genevieve P. Thanks for your response. However that does not do the trick.

    It keeps the chart just like the second image, the second image already has the series in the horizontal axis correctly, the problem is all the bars take the same color instead of preserving the colors as shown in the figure on top.

    The data is in a calculation sheet and has an structure like this.

  • Hi @Aider

    Are you wanting the colour coding to be based on the values in Column 2? (Eg. Apples = Green, Mangoes = Orange)

    Or do you want the colours to represent the columns? (Eg. Column3 for all 4 values = Blue, Column 4 for all 4 values = Green)

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  • Aider
    Aider ✭✭
    edited 04/20/22

    Hi @Genevieve P.

    The idea is to use the values on cloumn 2 as series labels for columns 3 to 6. But also that every bar in the bar chart has an indenpendent color. Something like the image below, rather than having lengeds with color codes at one side of the chart.

  • Hi @Aider

    The source for your widget has multiple values per-category. This means that you will need to have both an X-Axis label for each Category, and a Legend on the side to identify what the colours represent.

    For example, if this is your source and you want each fruit to have its own colour:

    Then this is how the chart would appear:

    The X-Axis shows the groupings of the numbers, and the colours show what fruit each number is associated with.

    However if you were looking to have the Fruit be the X-Axis, you could have the colours be associated with the columns instead.

    In either case, you would need both labels to identify the groupings and then what each number represents within that collection.

    However if you only have one value for each, such as "Column 2"s data for each fruit, then there isn't a way to make each bar a different colour (as the numbers are from the same column).

    It would be like hiding all the other Column numbers in the chart above, so you're left with Red for each of the Fruit groupings:

    I hope that helps clarify the way Chart widgets look at data a little better!



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  • Aider
    Aider ✭✭

    Hello @Genevieve P.

    I guess you did answer my question by showing what it was possible. I was looking for having one value for each category as you mentioned in the last two parragrahs from your previous message. That helped me to make a work around to display a single value for each category, with a single color for each category, the series labels on the X-axis and no legend. I just organized the data in this fashion.

    The drawback is the bars are not centered in each space.

    Thanks for your support.