User shows up on side list as have edit access to workspace but does not show in pop-up shared list


I deleted a user from my workspace sharing list a few hours ago but they still show up on the right side panel as being a shared user. Is there a lag in getting that panel updated or another path to sharing?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Box2105

    Is it possible that this user is shared to individual items within the workspace, and you may have only removed them from one item?

    If you were in a sheet or report at the time, you can see if someone is shared to the Workspace or to the Item by the icon on the left. (See: Share an item from a Workspace)

    For example, in this Sheet, Mirka has Viewer permissions to the entire Workspace but Editor permissions on this one item:

    This means if I remove Mirka from the Sheet sharing, she will still have Viewer Permissions in the Workspace and will appear in the Workspace Sharing panel:

    I would suggest removing this user directly from the Workspace Sharing tab instead of from an individual item.

    If this is what you have already done, I would suggest fully logging out of Smartsheet then logging in again.

    If the user is still appearing the Sharing panel but not in the pop-up Workspace sharing window, then please reach out to Smartsheet Support with full screen captures, the workspace name, and the email address of the shared user you would like to remove.




  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Box2105

    Is it possible that this user is shared to individual items within the workspace, and you may have only removed them from one item?

    If you were in a sheet or report at the time, you can see if someone is shared to the Workspace or to the Item by the icon on the left. (See: Share an item from a Workspace)

    For example, in this Sheet, Mirka has Viewer permissions to the entire Workspace but Editor permissions on this one item:

    This means if I remove Mirka from the Sheet sharing, she will still have Viewer Permissions in the Workspace and will appear in the Workspace Sharing panel:

    I would suggest removing this user directly from the Workspace Sharing tab instead of from an individual item.

    If this is what you have already done, I would suggest fully logging out of Smartsheet then logging in again.

    If the user is still appearing the Sharing panel but not in the pop-up Workspace sharing window, then please reach out to Smartsheet Support with full screen captures, the workspace name, and the email address of the shared user you would like to remove.

