Summing rows if columns are checked using cross-sheet reference


This is the formula I've tried but it is giving me an "unparseable" error.

=SUMIF({Tracer Site List -Revenue/Project Complete},[Project Complete]:[Project Complete], 1, [Licensing Fee]:[Licensing Fee])

Thank you for your assistance!


Best Answer

  • Jeff Reisman
    Jeff Reisman Community Champion
    edited 05/04/22 Answer ✓


    Ok, here's what I think you did here. You created the reference to the other sheet and selected both the Project Complete column and the Licensing Fee column together as your range {Tracer Site List -Revenue/Project Complete}, and then attempted to call out each column inside the range.

    What you will want to do to make this work is to create a separate range for each column as your write your formula:

    =SUMIF({Tracer Site List Project Complete range}, 1, {Tracer Site List Licensing Fee range})


    Jeff Reisman

    Link: Smartsheet Functions Help Pages Link: Smartsheet Formula Error Messages

    If my answer helped solve your issue, please mark it as accepted so that other users can find it later. Thanks!


  • Jeff Reisman
    Jeff Reisman Community Champion


    Right off the bat I can tell you that you have too many elements for SUMIF. For the function, the syntax is SUMIF( range , criterion, [sum_range]), where you have SUMIF( range, range, criterion, sum range).

    The next thing is that you have a range from another sheet, then two ranges from the sheet you're on. This won't work, even if you had the syntax right.

    I am assuming you want to add up the values in the Licensing Fee column for rows that have checked box in the Project Complete column, so how does this range {Tracer Site List -Revenue/Project Complete} fit in to the criteria?


    Jeff Reisman

    Link: Smartsheet Functions Help Pages Link: Smartsheet Formula Error Messages

    If my answer helped solve your issue, please mark it as accepted so that other users can find it later. Thanks!

  • Jeff Reisman
    Jeff Reisman Community Champion
    edited 05/04/22 Answer ✓


    Ok, here's what I think you did here. You created the reference to the other sheet and selected both the Project Complete column and the Licensing Fee column together as your range {Tracer Site List -Revenue/Project Complete}, and then attempted to call out each column inside the range.

    What you will want to do to make this work is to create a separate range for each column as your write your formula:

    =SUMIF({Tracer Site List Project Complete range}, 1, {Tracer Site List Licensing Fee range})


    Jeff Reisman

    Link: Smartsheet Functions Help Pages Link: Smartsheet Formula Error Messages

    If my answer helped solve your issue, please mark it as accepted so that other users can find it later. Thanks!

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