User with Editor permissions cannot edit

Andrea Zugno
edited 05/27/22 in Smartsheet Basics


Chiedo il vs aiuto per risolvere un problema

Ho condiviso ad utente registrato (senza licenza) foglio di lavoro dando autorizzazione di editor (può


L'utente però può solamente visualizzare e compare questa scritta vicino al titolo del foglio


**Translated by Google Translate**

Good morning

I ask your help to solve a problem

I shared to registered user (unlicensed) worksheet giving editor permission (can

to share)

However, the user can only view and this message appears next to the title of the sheet



  • Genevieve P.

    Hi @Andrea Zugno

    Are you on a Pro Plan? If you are on a Pro Plan and you share the sheet to someone without a license, they will only be able to view the sheet.

    You will need to give that user a License on your plan so that they can Edit the sheet. Here's an article with more information: Sharing and widgets in the Pro plan



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  • anthony arida

    Hi Genevieve, i need your help if you dont mind. we are a team of 8 or 9 people and we are all on free version now. we are trying to figure out which plan and how many licenses to purchase. can you assist please. 10 people need to view and around 5 or 6 people will have to edit and fill in data. i also need the gantt chart feature.


  • Genevieve P.

    Hi @anthony arida

    I would suggest reaching out to Smartsheet's Sales team through this form to discuss your best plan-type based on what it is you would like to get out of Smartsheet!

    If you scroll down and click the Complete Features List on this page it may help with your decision:

    Keep in mind that if you choose a Pro Plan, collaborators will require a license in order to make changes to your sheets (so 5 or 6 licenses). However if you choose a Business Plan, licensed users can share sheets to unlicensed collaborators with Edit access and these unlicensed users will be able to make changes (so potentially only 3 licenses needed, depending on what you want these collaborators to do).

    I personally find the Complete Features list above to be very useful, as it identifies the benefits of both plans. For example, if you're using Conditional Logic in Forms, or Baselines with your Project sheet, then you'll want a Business Plan.

    The Gantt View is available on any plan type.



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  • anthony arida

    Hi again, thank you for the help Genevieve we purchased the business license.

    When a user submits a form, I am not alerted by an email from Smartsheet.

    All notification settings are enabled.

    Any idea how to solve this?

  • Genevieve P.

    Hi @anthony arida

    No problem. I'm glad I could help! 🙂

    For the Form, do you have an Alert set up in this sheet to let you know when a new row is added?

    Here's a Help Article that goes through setting up automated alerts: Automate processes with visual workflows

    You may also find this Webinar useful: SmartStart: Collaboration



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