Calculating work hours %

I feel like this should be very simple but my math just isn't checking out. I have a duration column tracking how many weeks per task the work will take. I also have a "work hours" task that is tracking how many actual hours the work will take over that given duration. I'm trying to make it so my "Allocation" column calculates the total % of work hours compared to the total duration. So for example:

Task A

Duration = 1week

Work Hours = 8

Allocation should be 20% but when I'm trying to set up a column formula =[Work Hours]@row / (Duration@row * 40) it's coming out to 4%.

I'm clearly not great at math so can someone please let me know what I'm doing wrong?



Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Robert Hawkey

    Are you using the Duration column in a Project sheet, and putting in "1w"?

    If so, although the display value show "1w", the underlying data in numerical values is seen as the number 5 (since 1w is equal to 5 working days).

    You can test this with a formula:


    I would suggest multiplying by 8 (for 8 hours) instead of 40.

    =[Work Hours]@row / (Duration@row * 8)



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