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Email Notification - How robust is it?

Sispeedy ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

We like the email notification feature, but one of our engineer who has a good Network/Internet knowledge has raised a concern about this.

He claims that at this very moment, it looks fine.  The email path (sorry for my childish words..) is directly connected to Google and there is no ISP in between, but there is no guarantee that this configuration remains forever.  So, he said, what if the configuration changed and turned be less robust, then, somebody could see the full contents on the email.    Can someone please confirm this is correct or not?  



  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Not easy to understand your colleagues concerns but the reality is the email notification works reliably and is considerably better than plain email and all the associated inefficiencies. 

    I suggest that you get your security conscious colleague to write their concerns down in an email to Support@smarteheet.com then they can be directly addressed. 

    From your point of view and from a team of Smartsheet consultants with 6 years experience working with Smartsheet I can tell you this works really well, is robust and reliable. 

    Hope that helps? 




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