How can I subtract the hours worked from total allotted hours?

I am trying to track the total hours worked for an external vendor. We are paying for their service for a certain number of hours and each week I want to subtract the hours worked for that week from the allotted hours. I want a cell that gives me the total and subtracts out hours worked. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to do this. Can someone help me figure out a formula for this?

As an example:

600 (Hours we have to work with)

50 (worked week 1)

40 (worked week 2)

Total hours available: 510



  • Stefan
    Stefan Community Champion

    Hi @BethWork,

    as this seems rather basic (see below) I assume there must be a hidden blocker, like the way you get the input for hours worked...

    Anyway, do you have something like this in mind?

    Hope this helps!


    Smartsheet Consulting, Solution Building, Training and Support.

    Projects for Processes and for People.

  • BethWork
    BethWork ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Stefan,

    I think this will work. I don't know where to use the =SUM(CHILDREN()) formula though.

    Here's what I tried:

    I entered this formula in the Hours Available column

    =[Allotted Hours]@row-[Hours Worked]@row

  • Stefan
    Stefan Community Champion

    Hi @BethWork,

    yes, this will work if you only have one client per sheet.

    In my example I indented the rows below client "Hans" so that the =SUM(CHILDREN()) formula actually finds children. Indenting marks rows indented to "children" of the next row above that is less indented.

    Hope this helps!


    Smartsheet Consulting, Solution Building, Training and Support.

    Projects for Processes and for People.

  • BethWork
    BethWork ✭✭✭✭


    Ah, ok! I do only have one client so that works perfectly! Thank you for your help.

  • Stefan
    Stefan Community Champion


    then you have your solution ready :-)



    Smartsheet Consulting, Solution Building, Training and Support.

    Projects for Processes and for People.

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Want to practice working with formulas directly in Smartsheet?

Check out the Formula Handbook template!