Can I use a VLOOK within an if statement?

I want to use a VLOOK up put only if there is a balance in a column:

=IF([Request Infrastructure]@row = 0, 0, VLOOKUP($Project@row, {2022 Nkhoma Hospital Project Plan Range 1}, 14, false))

If my Request Infrastructure is zero I want 0 to be in the Available Balance Infrastructure column, if it is a number I want to perform the above VLookup. With the formula above, it is performing the look up no matter what is in the Request Infrastructure column.

As you can see in the photo my "available balance infrastructure" is always pulling from the VLOOKUP but I only want it to pull a number if there is a number in the "Request Infrastructure" column

Best Answer

  • Leibel S
    Leibel S ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Dene Marcello

    Your formula is checking if it is =0 (which the blanks will return as false).

    You can change it to <>"":

    =IF([Request Infrastructure]@row <>"", 0, VLOOKUP($Project@row, {2022 Nkhoma Hospital Project Plan Range 1}, 14, false))

    Alternatively, you can add both with an OR function:

    =IF(or([Request Infrastructure]@row <>"",[Request Infrastructure]@row=0), 0, VLOOKUP($Project@row, {2022 Nkhoma Hospital Project Plan Range 1}, 14, false))
