Improve the visibility into the task dependencies in the project sheet via function/formula or inbuilt capability to display dependent task names
This would be extremely helpful especially for large integrated project plans where the predecessor and/or successor are in an entirely different 'family' of tasks in the sheet (e.g. row 1262 is dependent on row 364 and 868). It would eliminate the need to jump around all over the sheet to understand what the predecessors and successors of a task actually are.
Another "yes please!" for this. I have developed a workaround but it has issues.
Another yes please from me.
@SSG will you explain your work-around?
@SSG Please, could you send us your work-around? It will be so helpful!
When you click on a call in the predecessor column, it shows the task numbers and names that are tied to that task. The successor column does not show this, which results in a lot of scrolling to understand the workflow. Please set the successor column up to display the task names the same way the predecessor column is set up.
In the dependencies table, it would be very valuable if the items listed the successors as the predecessors are labeled.