
manley85am Overachievers Alumni

Hey everyone! I sometimes work from home, but when I work from the office, this is my setup. I'm blessed to have just a few monitors to compare sheets! 😉


  • Arsineh
    Arsineh Employee

    I feel like my productivity doubled going from a single monitor to two. I can only imagine what happens when you level up to four. Thanks for sharing your workspace with us, Aaron.

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  • Julie Becker
    Julie Becker ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Aaron Manley

    I know this is not the correct way to reach out for help on things, but since the Smartsheets Forums dont offer a way to directly message individuals (would be so helpful on topics some require additional help on without dragging member through the back and forths), i figured i would search for a topic that i can message you without a large audience and found this one. I saw you were last active on July 10th 2024, so i am hoping you get this message.

    First off, i wanted to say i am very very impressed by your QEV template that i have downloaded it and while i understand how it works and its function, there are sections I am still trying to disect and reverse engineer so that i can use it (most of it) for our Massive California Construction Project, but before i dump hours and hours into converting it to our language, typically i would use or review the guides provided by the templates (similar to this one here - Setup Information), or their attachments / comments that were created by the developers to help us when setting up the templates individual sheets.

    I was hoping (its a long shot), that maybe you have a guide or a cheat sheet that you created that explains the purpose or use for the columns in your template that can help me break down their function and/or what each sheets purpose is (how you are using it) so i can approach each sheet / report already knowing its primary function (unless the title of it gives it away) or process so that i can use your template correctly.

    For example, in a typical Construction Schedule, you have your Start/End Dates (current activities), but you also need to track risks/projections etc.., so with ours, we have (Early Start-ES / Early Finish-EF and Late Start-LS / Late Finish-LF which allows us to track the Float = LF minus EF). In your Activity Sheet, you have columns (Peak Start / Peak End) that seem to closely relate to what i list above, but need to have that confirmed (yes or no?). See img below asking if your Peak Start and Peak Finish is the function as Late Start and Late Finish in the schedule world?

    **Issues after Downloading Template: I have already reached out to Smartsheets to address this (maybe @Arsineh can help with this?), but after we download your template (i tested 3 downloads on 3 different computers/accounts), some of the automations that use the "Copy Rows" function all show this img below, and without a guide or template to follow, i / we have no clue how to reconfigure those automations in order for them to work correctly again (even though they broke the min we downloaded the template). I cant test that feature against other templates, since i dont know which ones use the "Copy Rows" function to test against, but this is one of the few issues i faced after downloading.

    Since we are all so busy with our daily activities / personal life, i dont expect you to answer me (if at all), but i am hoping that you can at least answer the one question i mentioned about the Peak columns that would be helpful. If you do in fact have something you can share that would help me better understand your sheets functions within the template, i would be so extremley grateful if you can kindly send that to me. I am providing my company email address so you can feel better knowing this info would be safe and secure and look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest conveinence. Again you did an exceptional job in creating this template and love everything about it, i just need some additional clarifications/help in order to continue with my plan to utilize it for our Construction/Project Needs.

    📧Company Email: Julie.Becker@hsr.ca.gov


    Julie Becker ☠️

    Construction Project Engineer / Coordinator & Software Program Oversight Mgr. 😉

    Successful People Are Not Gifted; They Just Work Hard, Then Succeed On Purpose‼️

  • manley85am
    manley85am Overachievers Alumni

    Hey @Julie Becker, thanks for reaching out! I just wanted to let you know that I sent you an email trying to explain more about the template. Wish you the best!