Show & Tell

Show & Tell

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Hey! I am Tomasz.

Overachievers Alumni
edited 06/21/22 in Show & Tell

So I am started my adventure with Smartsheet in 2014 when I worked for Cisco Systems till 2018.

Then I had a brake and started using Smartsheet again in Delivery Hero at the end of 2019. While in Delivery Hero I decided to be Smartsheet Champion which turned me into Smartsheet Overachiever.

Originally I am from Poland but since 2019 I live in Berlin.

I like colour orange and my passions are craft chocolates and FTGFOP Teas.

Tomasz Kowalski

The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

Is there anything else we can help you with? - book your time.

MASA Consult - Your Aligned Smartsheet Gold Partner

Find us on LinkedIn!

Tag my name: @kowal if you need quick response.


  • Employee

    Chocolate, Tea, the color orange - we have a lot in common. Thanks for sharing a little about yourself. We're glad to have you as a member of the community and Overachiever! Appreciate all you do!

  • Overachievers Alumni
    edited 08/21/22

    Hi @Arsineh pleasure is mine! Now you need to share with me the top notch shops for tea & chocolate in Seattle so I can visit those during Engage :)

    and I can bring some German Schokolade with me for exchange ;) They are bit crazy for their pralines :)

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

    Is there anything else we can help you with? - book your time.

    MASA Consult - Your Aligned Smartsheet Gold Partner

    Find us on LinkedIn!

    Tag my name: @kowal if you need quick response.

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