Help - Approval workflows with multiple approvers and conditions

Melissa Bartness
Melissa Bartness ✭✭✭
edited 06/23/22 in Formulas and Functions

I have an approval request that is currently set up like this:

  1. local leader approval is obtained. If these 3 conditions are met: a. if budget is greater than $5,000 or b. attendees = govt or c. carrier sponsorship = yes, then next level approval is required. Otherwise, requestor is notified of approval. Ditto with decline.
  2. regional leader approval required. If these 3 conditions are met: a. if budget is greater than $20,000 or b. attendees = govt or c. carrier sponsorship = yes, then next level approval is required. Otherwise, requestor is notified of approval. Ditto with decline.
  3. national leader approval. Requestor is notified of approval or decline of request.

Step 1 works. However, the conditions for regional leader approval are not.

In the attached snip, you can see that the test request for $25,000 accurately shows the automation made it to step 2, however, the $6,000 should also show the automation going to step 2 but it has not.

Any ideas what I'm missing?


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