IF Formula



Not sure how to create column formula for the following criteria utilizing RYGB color formatting:

• 0-29% red

• 30-49% yellow

• 50-99% green

• 100% blue


Best Answer

  • Toufong Vang
    Toufong Vang ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    The IF() formula can be written to flow exactly as you described/outlined it.

    If it's less than or equal to 29%, then Red; if it's less than or equal to 49%, then Yellow; if it's less than or equal to 99%, then Green; else, Blue.

    Let's say that the percent complete is in a column labeled "Progress". Your formula would be...

    IF( Progress@row <= 0.29 , "Red", IF( Progress@row <= 0.49 , "Yellow", IF(Progress@row <= 0.99, "Green", "Blue" ) ) )


  • Toufong Vang
    Toufong Vang ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    The IF() formula can be written to flow exactly as you described/outlined it.

    If it's less than or equal to 29%, then Red; if it's less than or equal to 49%, then Yellow; if it's less than or equal to 99%, then Green; else, Blue.

    Let's say that the percent complete is in a column labeled "Progress". Your formula would be...

    IF( Progress@row <= 0.29 , "Red", IF( Progress@row <= 0.49 , "Yellow", IF(Progress@row <= 0.99, "Green", "Blue" ) ) )

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