How do I make a column formula that automatically checks the box if another column contains 1.


I am trying to make a checkbox column automatically check its box if the column1 contains 1. It may be equal to one but in some cases, it could be 1 high or 1 low. How can I check to see if the cell in column 1 of the same row contains 1. I have tried =CONTAINS(1, column1@row), but the boxes aren't checking.

Best Answer

  • Dan W
    Dan W ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/30/22 Answer ✓

    =IF(CONTAINS("1", [Action Plan Compliance]@row), 1, IF([Action Plan Compliance]@row = 1, 1, 0))

    This will work if it is the Number 1 or as long as 1 is present


  • Dan W
    Dan W ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/30/22 Answer ✓

    =IF(CONTAINS("1", [Action Plan Compliance]@row), 1, IF([Action Plan Compliance]@row = 1, 1, 0))

    This will work if it is the Number 1 or as long as 1 is present

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